Das Illhorn – Räuber, Wolf und Erosion
SRF-Wissen MySchool

Behind the scenes des Kinofilms «Verliebte Feinde».
This video shows the importance of Sustainable Land Management for building resilience to climate change, drought and disasters through examples of innovative land users in Tajikistan and Kenya who practice good land management. (2013)
WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) is an established global network which supports innovation and decision-making processes in Sustainable Land Management (SLM).
Kenya (2013)
WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) is an established global network which supports innovation and decision-making processes in Sustainable Land Management (SLM).
Der Tag ist noch fern ist ein klassenübergreifendes Filmprojekt, das von und mit Gymnasiasten des Campus Muristalden entstanden ist. Unterstützt wurden die Jugendlichen dabei von Film- und Theaterprofis. Das Making Of zeigt, wie die Lernenden den Film geschrieben, gespielt und gedreht haben.
David Njeru Kibuthi shows how to construct a stone line on moderate slopes with many stones and describes the many benefits he gets since he has realized this technology on his farm. (2014)
WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) is an established global network which supports innovation and decision-making processes in Sustainable Land Management (SLM).